Film Review: IndyRed’s review of “Lunches with Mel” 

A favorable review of my work as Cinematographer and the overall work of story telling by our director, producers and star from “Lunches with Mel”.

“The other thing to note is that the two characters are both the same person! The fact that there’s nothing cheesy looking here (aside from the costumes) speaks volumes about the technical skills involved in putting together Lunches With Mel. Maybe it’s not exploding planets or an 847 car accident, but to pull this off right takes a good level of skill. My guess is it was probably an easy feat for whoever put it together, but if it was easy it’s only because of the experience of the person who did it. Did I mention that there’s a mirror behind them for the entire scene(s)?”
Photo Attached: One of my BTS images with shitty text done using my phone included on this post.

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